Home Remedy for Sunburnt or Irritated Skin

Episode #15 / Jun 1, 2009
Did you spend the weekend outdoors and wake up on Monday to find yourself with a nasty, stinging sunburn? Or have you found yourself with a skin irritation caused by a brush with Poison Ivy or something else? Milk to the rescue! Let Dr. Schultz explain how to use this household item to sooth any skin irritation.
S on June 1, 2009 at 9:20pm

Every other day, I take 1/2 cup of 1% milk and rinse my face with it at the end of my showers. Though I wouldn't recommend anyone try to rinse their face with soymilk - practically broke out in hives and was only able to control it with this other cream!

Dr. Schultz on June 2, 2009 at 12:19am

That's interesting to hear and thank you for sharing that with our viewers! Soymilk actually has many chemicals that are different from cow's milk. If you do choose to utilize a milk compress to sooth irritated skin, I suggest using skim or as you're doing 1% cow's milk.